Saturday, March 24, 2007

No corn, no pineapple

I love pizza. What a fantastic idea to mix a lot of delicious ingredients into a single dish, actually this is the main law of gastronomy, but pizza isn't exactly "gastronomical", it's a "eat good and run fast" kind of cooked food. Mozzarella, mushrooms, olives, pastrami, chicken breast, corn (I hate corn in my pizza and somehow every pizza maker in my delivery area is compelled by some unwritten law to put as much corn as possible on every pizza on the menu), pineapple (bleah on a pizza, great as a fruit)...I'm sitting in front of Milo, it's been approx 8 hours since I've opened him to do my projects, I'm hungry and tired and I'm trying to make some sense out of my life...which by the way kind of resembles a pizza, it can have ingredients that I looooove, but I can also get things which I detest in it, careful how you order and order The Great Dictator, it tastes great even if it's prepared in 1940.


Adelaida said...

Si eu iubesc pizza dar trebuie sa te contrazic: pizza cu porumb si ananas e minunata! sau cel putin interesanta :) Te rog sa nu induci poporul in eroare cu informatii de genul acesta si nu te lua de bietul ananas ca doar stii ca nu l-ai apreciat niciodata la adevarata lui cunosc pe "cineva" care pana nu demult spunea ca "are gust de ceapa" - "Prietenii stiu de ce!"

Lumi said...

Papilele mele gustative nu sunt de acord cu ale tale , asa cum lucrurile pe care tu le consideri interesante si worthwhile in viata ta, poate pentru existenta mea sunt invers.In ceea ce priveste ananasul, il ador proaspat si imi place foarte mult in unele marci de conserve; am avut ghinionul sa nimeresc de cateva ori compot de ananas la cutie, care desi nu era expirat avea un gust execrabil , asa ca, don't finger point, it's my blog, my opinion, it's your comment your opinion, some may agree with me, some with you, nobody is wrong on this particular matter :).