Saturday, March 17, 2007

We need New Toys

It kind of irritates me when something is unchangeable boring, some people, some products, some moods, some places, some ideas, many things. Can we do something about it?Yes we can. We can either kill or destroy the very essence of the boredom or we can improve something in the particularly boring thing. I recently went to a party at a local pub, where last year, for Halloween I had a freakishly good time. This time it was a bit of a disappointment: the same execrable music selection, the same stupidity driven lines, the same sexy-exaggerate-commonly-looking entertainers, the same badly supplied bar, the same annoying cigarette smoke. Luckily I was in the mood for dancing and the company was not bad at all, otherwise I wouldn't have stayed until 4 o'clock in the morning.
Reader, yes you, may you have a lot of merry, non boring events in your small and probably useless-for-others life ;)!

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