Tuesday, March 20, 2007

21 Iron

You got to love people that state their opinion just to spite you, they don't even believe in what they're saying or they get influenced by little affections felt for other persons. This kind of individuals make me want to ignore the human race for a while. I know that as a species we are incapable of taking a decision or issuing a statement with complete objectivity, but it really pisses me off when it's not even their subjectivity that interferes. These are opinion adaptor-as-the-wind-blows-"leechers", they suck the fun out of a friendly and intelligent conversation. I could ignore them as they are talking, but that is considered impolite, therefore I reply (holding most of the delightful swearing aside), then I ignore everyone for a while. It's not fare to those who have an interesting point to make, because I just cannot calm myself down to give them the appropriate attention. So, following an insight from Kim Ki-duk's magnificently and wordlessly concocted film about the depths of human behaviour (3 Iron), I will wordlessly deal, for a while, with my frustrating irritation caused by the persons I've mentioned. ...oh, almost forgot, Jeremiah is growing fast and healthy, he chases worms all through the surrogate aquarium and hates it when you caress his head.

Hope you'll have less annoying situations in your life! Best wishes from a tired forehead!


Adelaida said...

Tre' sa recunosti ca unii sunt chiar 'simpatici' in incercarea lor de a gasi argumente chiar si dupa ce si-au dat seama ca n-au dreptate...In cazul fericit in care iau in calcul aceasta posibilitate... Si mai tre' sa recunosti ca uneori iti face si tie placere sa ii contrazici doar de dragul de a nu fi de acord cu ei. ;)

Lumi said...

Well, you do have a point, but, that's the beauty of being me. I have friends that are very different from me and that vary a lot between them; this is a social advantage as I like to put it, because it gives me the opportunity to always be "en garde".
And another thing, arguing is a great excercise for the mind, it makes you structure your thoughts better, it trains you to reply faster. So I admit a very big part of me is positively thrilled when a battle of tha minds occurs, especially with a friend (because they don't get upset that easily :P).

Adelaida said...

...faptul ca ii "studiezi in profunzime" si ca iti ascuti "gherutele" discursului te ajuta sa devii un bun actor/regizor/stand up comedian sau sa reinstalezi "world peace"?
cine se transforma mai mult?
tu sau ei?
ei pe tine sau tu pe ei?

Lumi said...

We transform each other actually. A conversation has the potential of a trip, it can be a life lesson and it can allow you to explore new depths of the human behavior, which is fascinating most of the time. But to answer each question as it should be answered:
1. Niciodata nu o sa poti sa-ti arati destul de nederanjant gherutele intr-o coneversatie cu prietenii; tocmai de asta iti sunt prieteni , pentru ca stiu ca ii poti asculta si le poti oferi o critica constructiva si prezentata neagresiv.
2. Uneori ma transform eu dupa o conversatie, alteori ii transform pe ei, dar de multe ori ne transformam reciproc. Cum? Gasind "gold nuggets" in conversatie.
I love my friends, especially the ones that constructively criticize me to my face.