Sunday, April 1, 2007

To surreal or not to surreal...that is the...issue.(Pi Trailer - Darren Aronofsky)

Let's start with the basics:
Dictionary: Surrealism, n. Pure psychic automatism, by which one proposes to express, either verbally, in writing, or by any other manner, the real functioning of thought. Dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason, outside of all aesthetic and moral preoccupation.
Encyclopedia: Surrealism. Philosophy. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It tends to ruin once and for all other psychic mechanisms and to substitute itself for them in solving all the principal problems of life.

The fact is, if you look closely and carefully, every smart and intriguing film that has made you really think a little bit about your life's meaning, about the connectivity of it all, about why the Earth has three types of rotations (yes three), about why your name is Luminita , about so many things, that you probably didn't even notice until a certain scene or a certain frame, has had some surrealistic elements in it. What is in fact surrealism?...It is escape, the escape of the imprisoned idea or thought that you didn't even know you had, it is a sublime visual element that makes you wonder; the beauty about surrealism, as the above written definitions prove, is that it allows you to gracefully run on the fields of no-sense-can-come-out-of-this and return to reality with a new life aim or meaning. Isn't it amazing?!Surrealism is the main excuse for madness and madness is the fuel of surrealism, I love them both. The power of ideas has changed and will continue to change the world every single day, we are mice in the maze of ideas and surrealism is sometimes the hologram of the cheese. See PI!


costin said...

Ma exprim mai bine in Romana :D


Sper ca recomandarea filmului pi se leaga strict de arta cinematografica si de detaliile suprarealiste. Pentru ca tema este unde pe care o consider gresita din start. Ce sa mai zic ca e complet ne-Crestina. De ce sa se salveze lumea cand gaseste o formula magica?
Ce credinta e aia in care crezi ca Dumnezeu se joaca un joc de inteligenta cu oamenii?

Ce zici? :)

costin said...

btw: :)

Lumi said...

Am spus ca voi raspunde in limba in care mi se va scrie(daca pot :))asa ca:
Da, tema se leaga in special de arta cinematografica si detaliile suprarealiste...dar hai sa ne gandim...ce e gresit in arta? Orice este interpretabil si individual definibil , arta e mai ales individual interpretabila.
Consider ca daca poti sa salvezi ceva in lumea asta (nu sa fii super erou, ci doar un om bun si nu e nevoie sa fim ironici pe tema asta, crede-ma)e bine sa o faci; consider ca talentul artistic, gandirea matematica si alte tipuri de abilitati cognitivo-emotionale pot fi utilizate pentru a impiedica macar putin dezumanizarea asta constanta in care a intrat omenirea. Cred ca lui Dumnezeu ii mai place din cand incand sa se si joace, dar este un joc incomprehensibil pentru intelectul nostru limitat. - just in case :D

costin said...

Tocmai la uman ma refeream si eu. Pentru ce as crede ca valoarea suprema e altceva decat ceva care nu se masoara in carti citite sau in operatii pe secunda? Pentru ce as accepta ca valoarea suprema nu are o definitie subiectiva?
Eu dorm mai linistit cu gandul ca daca EU fac ceva care mi se pare bun, lucrul ala poate fi bine "suprem". Suprem pentru mine :).

Lumi said...

Ceea ce te linisteste e bun, ceea ce crezi ca te face fericit la fel e bun; daca tu in subiectivitatea ta (cu totii suntem in special subiectivi)crezi ca supremul pentru tine e ceva ce singur poti sa definesti sau macar sa categorisesti, te felicit, vei musca din ceva ce tu vei putea considera cu mandrie fericire in aceasta viata. Eu sunt inca de o imaturitate cu greu de sters si nu pot sa dorm linistita cu gandul ca am descoperit si inteles "superiorul". In acelasi timp trebuie sa-ti dau dreptate pentru ca m-as contrazice singura daca ti-as considera opinia eronata, tu ti-ai definit supremul si el se gaseste in bunatatea pe care ti-o atribui, ma bucur pentru tine, ma bucur ca ai gasit o solutie :). Keep in touch ca devine interesant ;).