Saturday, April 28, 2007

Choose to forget?

When we are kids, everything seems new and exciting, everything has the potential to entertain us: a funny shaped cloud, a big greenish caterpillar with blue spikes, a small rock thrown from a slingshot, jumping into muddy puddles, collecting we grow up we tend to enjoy the things around us less and less, probably because we get used to reusing/re-seeing/retouching/rehearing/re-smelling the same things over and over. A kid would always get happy while seeing how big the moon is, but an adult would seldom enjoy the night sky queen and take a moment to think about how beautiful reality can be sometimes (the not-in-your-face-reality).

Would forgetting things for a while (so that we can discover them as new) bring us the enjoyment we had as children? Should we choose to forget sometimes some things in order to really feel them, not just react as with a conditioned reflex?

On the other hand, forgetting things can be quite frustrating forgetting whether or not you locked the door on your way out, forgetting your messenger password, forgetting to feed the dog, forgetting to meet with a friend, forgetting your boyfriend's/girlfriend's favourite colour, forgetting to reply to a message etc. etc. etc..
What would it be like to remember new things and people for only 10 minutes and then forget them? What would you do to connect yourself to the things that you instantly forget, but that you also need?
Get the answer from MEMENTO.


Anonymous said...

Sa uiti mi se pare cam trist pentru ca nu o sa poti niciodata sa inveti nimic. Poate te surprinde cat de mare e luna, dar sa nu uiti ca focul frige si nu tot ce zboara se mananca ;) copile uituc


Lumi said...

Ideea era sa uiti selectiv ca sa poti sa te bucuri iar si iar si iar de lucruri care-si pierd farmecul pentru tine. Nu-mi spune ca de fiecare data cand vezi ce chestii faine face o bucata de script, te bucuri ca prima data cand l-ai utilizat...l-ai gasit tu, e a ta descoperirea, nu te-a ajutat nimeni, ce placere, ce putere...a doua oara cand il folosesti e doar un tool. Ar fi fain sa poti sa te bucuri mereu de aceleasi lucruri ca si cum le-ai descoperi atunci, exact ca un copil, fie el si uituc...asa ca mine (inca imatura, inca in cautare). NB.
PS: By the way, reactia la foc este un reflex conditionat si e imprimat in memorie de prima oara cand ne frigem...e ceva independent de memoria voluntara.

Lumi said...

Oh...almost forgot...
Try not to drink too much coffee, because you're gonna become a Parkinson-case-study without having Parkinson.

Best wishes and take care!
