Saturday, November 10, 2007

Kilipirm and a rainy Saturday

About two times a year, at the Dalles Hall in Bucharest, book publishers from all over the country gather and transform the bleak street scenery into a book festival joined with a discount heaven and it's all called Kilipirim. This autumn it's held from November 6th until November 11th.

I had a gander at this autumn's Kilipirim and although I didn't have a lot of money to spend on books, I left Dalles Hall with two bags full of them. The selection is fantastic, you can find anything from architecture to cooking books, the ambiance is really pleasant and the discounts are a real pocket trap, but it's all worth it. After all, books are different worlds in pages and lines. They are an escape door to another dimension, a dimension where it doesn't rain so much, where there's not a lot of mud all over, where you do not see pickled, stray dogs on the streets.

Don't get me wrong, walking in the rain, just you, your sweety and a big umbrella is just oh so romantic, but sitting alone in front of your Mac, on a rainy Saturday afternoon, still in your pajamas is not exactly my idea of a great time. So, I think I'll go to Casablanca for an hour or so, with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.

Here's looking at you...white MacBook because we'll always have South Lake Tahoe :).


Anonymous said...

habar n-ai cat te invidiez pentru sambata asta rainy plina de carti! era paradisul meu...toate editurile, toate cartile, discounturi de carti mi-as fi cumparat....

in alta ordine de idei, cum e fraza aia?.."stau in fata Mac-ului si sunt trista..." ma rog, am adaptat-o un pic. dar sa ne oprim o clipa si sa o analizam :P Stai in fata Mac-ului. si esti trista??? cum sa fi trista in fata unui Mac???? seriously now, il superi pe Dumnezeu!

:P glumeam, stiu ca lucrurile materiale nu prea au valoare in situatii de genul asta..mai putin cartile, cate oricum, sunt numai semi-materiale, deci nu se pun :P

te pup si nu mai fi botoasa!

Lumi said... sunt botoasa, aveam si eu o dupa-amiaza faza cu Mac-ul, putea fi orice alt laptop si tot trista as fi fost, Mac-ul la urma urmei e doar un laptop, e doar o aparatura, nu prea ma ajuta sa nu fiu trista, ca dk ar fi altfel, as fi numai un zambet non-stop...anyway...if that made any sense, if it didn't, here's a clearer way to express the stuff I'm passing through:

Ioana, the time for change has come and I have so much on my mind that not even my Mac can take the worries out of my head, and with a lot of worrying comes a considerable amount of sadness.

Pupici si tie si ai grija de tine printre valurile portugheze :)!

Anonymous said...

nu ma pot abtine sa nu fac o comparatie cu faza din spiderman : "with great power comes great responsibility" :P parca ai fi fost toby maguire :P

"with a lot of worrying comes a considerable amount of sadness." - la asta ma refeream, in caz ca nu am fost prea clara :D

Lumi said...

Clear as crystal from the first line :D.