Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I was curious where Bora Bora was, because it's something that I hear people talk about these days. It's a luxury travel destination that the rich can easily reach. I found out that it's in the South Pacific, in the French Polynesia, in the middle of no-land, in the Earth's biggest ocean.

Then I thought about Earth and I remembered a friend told me once that if the world were a community of 100 people, it would look something like this:

I started off dreaming of Bora Bora and ended up feeling privileged.


Adelaida said...

obisnuiam sa ma gandesc tot timpul ca trebuie sa te compari si cu cei care au mai mult decat tine, nu doar cu cei care o duc mai rau.

intre timp am invatat sa pretuiesc cu adevarat ceea ce am dar dupa filme ca asta tot ma simt un copil rasfatat.

Lumi said...

Trust me, you may seem spoiled from time to time, but you're not. You're a very strong and smart person, worthy of anyone's respect and you deserve the best things and the most serendipitous happenings...never forget this. Big hug.