Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bad, new haircut :(

I never imagined my hair meant that much to me, but it does. It's somehow connected to my state of mind, to my mood. Maybe I do act like a girl sometimes :).

After two very unsatisfying trips to the hair stylists, I have decided never to go to a woman hairstylist again, men are way better at this. Two women have managed to ruin what several males have beautifully preserved over 4 years now...

I guess in life you win some, you lose some...hair :D....and it doesn't matter how short my hair is, what matters is how and how much I think...or something like that:D.


Adelaida said...

Vezi k am notat pe un post-it ce ai scris (faptul k "nu conteaza cat de lung ai parul dar conteaza cat si cum gandesti") si vin acasa cu el pe frunte k sa nu cumva sa uiti...

Mermaid said...

Mi-au venit niste idei de coafuri... Ce zici, te lasi pe mana mea? :)

Lumi said...

OK Marina, you have permission to mess with my hair.
Aida, you forgot your post-it :P.

Anonymous said...

esti intr-o ipostaza fericita in poza asta :P

Roxx said...

iti sta bine cu parul scurt ;)