Friday, January 18, 2008

Hell Week and the Beatles

I always seem to underestimate the value of a sweet, fulfilling night's sleep, when you get tucked or self-tuck yourself in bed before 12 o'clock (that's what scientists recommend after studying our specie's usual sleep pattern), you go on and enter dreamland and you wake up in the morning all fresh and ready to start another day :).

Well, this week, I thought, just for laughs, that I would skip night sleep all together...kiddin', not just for laughs, but because, as usual, I left the making of all my school projects for the night before the deadline, ergo, I haven't slept one single night this week.

The great thing about all this is that the week is over, I can finally enjoy the simple, biological pleasure or resting a part of my brain, through the slowing down of body processes.

But enough biology, here's a film that brings the beauty of a lot of the Beatles songs with a twist of XXI century in them.

See for yourselves! Go Across the Universe!

Ah, almost forgot....Have an easy and fun examination period!

Best wishes my dear readers,


Roxx said...

mda.. greu cu proiectele astea. sa vdm ce-o iesi acum si cu sesiunea :D bafta multa! ;)

Anonymous said...

tipic :P

Lumi said...

Yeah, yeah, Ioana knows that I leave all my projects for the last minute. Long time not talk stranger. :D

Very nice picture Roxx :).