Monday, August 13, 2007


The thing about having free net at your home is that you cannot possibly have it for a very long time (at least in the USA), ergo after a few weeks of having wireless at home, the person whom we were stealing the net from realised the theft and put a password on the live Starbucks (where you can sit in a comfortable chair, eat a delicious piece of banana bread and surf the net for free).

I've been to the movies this week and saw The Bourne Ultimatum. Although I haven't fully seen the trilogy, I must say that I enjoyed the third part a lot. There's something about spy movies that always made me like them. Don't you ever think about what it would be like to work for a very powerful spy agency and be able to operate a wide range of vehicles and protect yourself in several types of combat techniques? I know I do :D.

Slowly but surely, the house in which I live is rapidly transforming in a nut house (I include myself amongst the nuts...I think I am an almond :D).

Work is tiring and America remains lovely though the weather is getting colder with each day of August that passes.

Enjoy your cinema visit for The Bourne Ultimatum and have a very nice week!

Your blogger,

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