Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Wouldn't it be so easy if we knew when to shut up, when to quit acting stupid, when to let our guard down, when to appreciate when someone changes so that we feel more comfortable, when to work, when to have fun, when to live, when to sleep...when to say "I'm sorry"...
Sadly, we don't know when, we do what we feel like doing and then endure the consequences.
Sometimes I think that my brain goes on vacation exactly when I need it the most. Stupidity (yet again this subject comes into focus) is a real threat for the human race...some of the smartest people I know, tend to do the stupidest of things...why is that? Why do we tend to ignore simple points in a meeting that drive it onto a slippery slope, but, still, continue on that path...afterwards we want to bang our head on the wall on the "In the mood for love" soundtrack (for those who know ;) ).

I regret making you mad,
I'm sorry if I made you sad,
I know you had a sucky day
and didn't need me anyway.
Still knowing that...I made you worry,
about some things your brain
really needn't carry...
All I can say...I'm truly sorry.


Adelaida said...

Da,ar fi mult mai usor daca am sti cand sa si cand sa nu... Dar asta cautam? Sa fie totul mai usor? Cautam lucruri "simple si memorabile" dar uneori SIMPLUL fapt ca ne complicam singuri viata este absolut fermecator. Regretele fac parte din ceea ce suntem si contribuie la ceea ce vom fi... Tocmai de aceea eu prefer sa nu le numesc regrete, ci amintiri... Si incerc sa nu regret nimic din ceea ce am facut , ci doar ceea ce nu am facut... Incerc, dar uneori fac lucruri atat de stupide... Totusi, de fiecare data mi se dovedeste ca imaginatia mea e cea care o luase cel mai tare razna iar realitatea pare mai "blanda"... Dar nu regret!NIMIC!

Lumi said...

De obicei, fac atat de multe lucruri stupide, care aduc consecinte pe putin "deranjante"(in special pentru mine, deoarece de fiecare data ma surprind..."iar am dat-o in bara"...trist nu?!)...toate aceste lucruri ma determina sa regret anumite ipostaze in care ma regasesc. Ai intr-adevar dreptate, dupa o perioada respectabila de timp, incidentele pe care le-am regretat se transforma in amintiri amuzante si putem sa spunem "da mha, eram niste tampite", insa pana cand vor deveni ilarele amintiri, ele persista in creierasul meu incapatanat si nu ma lasa sa ma relaxez, in plus, ii mai si stresez pe cei de langa tine de cele ma multe ori. Deocamdata nu regret NIMIC din care am invatat ceva uzitabil alte dati..NIMIC extraordinar, numai un raspuns...decent (pentru cine stie).