Monday, April 2, 2007

Hurts to be a real human is a fact that what the mind feels recoils on the body...if we weren't so primitive, if we'd already reached the sublime wisdom, we wouldn't probably need this problematic and feeble multi-"tissued" shell that we call a body. The body suffers when the mind suffers, the mind suffers if the body suffers, it's a vicious circle that we are imprisoned in. Today is, as you might have already noticed, a painful day for my mind and especially for my body. If you happen to play nocturnal paintball, do yourself a favour and watch out for the ground-dug gutters.
Sometimes the mind doesn't notice things, like an eventually broken rib, or a ripped knee tissue and that really works in our favour...sometimes. If you were bitten by a shark in the leg, you wouldn't feel the magnitude of the bite in the first seconds, because your body is designed for survival and the neglect of the instant excruciating pain would give you enough time to escape.
You are probably wondering where does all this go to? If I haven't already made my point for you...the actual point is...we work as machines, we think as machines (sometimes), but we feel as we feel...when humans are so wrapped in this "machinistic" world we live in and when they start neglecting feeling we all enter the dangerous process of "dehumanisation"...Do we truly want that? Seek a little help in Equilibrium.

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