Thursday, November 6, 2008

12 Angry Men

If you ever wondered why the US justice system states that there must be 12 members in a jury and if you ever wondered why, for a man to be convicted of a crime, there has to be an unanimous decision of the jury, and if you ever wondered how the way we were brought up to the family status that we have when we're 75 can influence our decisions, YOU should WATCH 12 Angry Men, a Sydney Lumet masterpiece from 1957.

Long phraze, isn't it! :D

Here's a glimpse of the film:

Isn't prejudice so so so sad?

The truth is, we will always be different, us humans, and there will always be people who will dislike other people for different reasons. But these are never good enough reasons (even if they're only in our heads) to convict innocent people.

What we think about what happens should certainly be linked to what really happens if we want our decisions to be fair to everybody, especially to us.

...and another thing: I am very glad that BARACK OBAMA is the next US president :).

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